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Holistic approach

Quantum Therapy

The principles

Restoring the cellular vibrational imbalance of an organ, gland or function means providing solutions to drain and depollute the body. (…)

All the cells in our body, but also all tissues and organs, have their own vibrational frequency. The human being is a vibrational body, a receiver-transmitter, a musical instrument that tunes to its rhythms and those of the universe.

Masaru Emoto demonstrated the influence of human emotions on the structure of water. Our body is composed largely of water, our thoughts, our emotions have an action on our cells. The cells of the body carry the memory of the experiences that we have lived. A cell with memories of suffering does not resonate the same sound as a harmonized cell.

Similarly, a healthy organ is well “tuned” and vibrates at its own frequency while a diseased organ is out of tune.

There are ways to free ourselves from physical and emotional blockages, to get energy circulating again in a body in order to raise our vibrational rate and live in a harmonious way.

quantum therapy

Since the time of Nikola Tesla, scientists have known about the connection between electrical, magnetic and radio frequencies of how the human body functions. Rife turned to these frequencies because he could expose bacteria and viruses to them and observe the effects. He discovered that each microbe and virus had a particular frequency to which it was sensitive. Rife called this the "lethal vibrational rate", a term that is still used today. Over and over again, he observed and saw how the virus was destroyed when a certain frequency was applied.

Rife Frequencies
SWD Tesla
Fields of action

Mémoires limitantes, blocages psychologique


Anxiety, depression,

to be unwell


Professional and emotional failures



chronic, chronic diseases


Stress, angoisses troubles obsessionnels

For 2 years I have been suffering from polyarthritis. I treat myself with anti-inflammatories, but I must admit that bioresonance has helped me a lot recently. My pain has completely disappeared.

Philippe G. 53 years old


P. Possetti

Place de la gare 7

3960 Sierre VS


Tel: ++ 41 77 455 54 39





Saturday on request

09:00 - 21:00

09:00 - 21:00

09:00 - 21:00

09:00 - 21:00

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Quantum Therapy concerns the detection of frequency fields in disharmony and re-information by electromagnetic frequencies of corrections. This does not concern in any case the detection and treatment of disease, reserved only for the medical profession. GDPR

Merci pour votre envoi !

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