Diathesis 2 according to Ménétrier is called the hyposthenic or arthritic diathesis . It is associated with a profile of people with a calmer temperament, sometimes slowed down, with a lower vital energy than in Diathesis 1. These individuals may feel persistent fatigue and be subject to joint pain or inflammatory disorders.
Here are the main characteristics of this diathesis:
Predisposition to joint pain and inflammation : People with Diathesis 2 are often prone to joint pain, tendonitis, arthritis and other inflammatory manifestations.
Chronic fatigue and lack of vitality : They get tired easily and may feel constant fatigue. These are individuals who need more rest and recovery time.
Tendency to recurrent infections : This profile is often subject to frequent infections, particularly ENT (sinusitis, bronchitis) and urinary infections, due to weak immunity.
Calm and unreactive temperament : Unlike people with Diathesis 1, those with Diathesis 2 tend to be more calm, introverted and thoughtful, but also less reactive and slower in their actions.
Digestive and circulatory disorders : Digestive disorders and circulatory problems (heavy legs, water retention) are also common in this profile, due to their slower metabolism.
In oligotherapy, Manganese-Copper is the recommended remedy for Diathesis 2. It helps support the metabolism by strengthening the immune system and stimulating vital energy in a gentle and progressive manner.
Thus, Ménétrier Diathesis 2 is often a more fragile profile, requiring care approaches that aim to revitalize the body and support immune functions, while respecting the individual's capacity for recovery.
Ménétrier's "Hyposthenic/Arthritic" Diathesis 2
Here are some recommendations for using them:
Dosage :
- As a general rule, trace elements are taken at a dose of 50cl per day.
- Exact dosage may vary depending on age, health, and your practitioner's recommendations.
Ideal time :
- Take trace elements on an empty stomach , preferably in the morning, upon waking, or at least 15 to 20 minutes before a meal.
- This promotes better absorption by the body.
Method of taking :
- Pour the solution directly under the tongue and let it sit for about a minute before swallowing. This sublingual method allows for better absorption of the trace elements.
- If the taste is too intense, you can dilute the solution in a small glass of water.
Duration of treatment :
- The duration of treatment varies depending on individual needs. Often, a cycle of 1 to 3 months is recommended to observe beneficial effects on energy regulation and general well-being.
These trace elements are designed to help balance energy and support the body's natural defenses, especially for dynamic people who want to better manage their vitality and prevent imbalances.