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Bach Flowers, Exam, studies, 30ml

Concentration and Memory - Stabilizes and promotes clarity of mind.

Bach Flowers, Exam, studies, 30ml

  • This Bach Flower complex, composed of Elm, Scleranthus, White Chestnut and Walnut flowers, allows you to prepare for exams with more serenity and clarity of mind. You feel confident, determined, better equipped to face the challenge and free yourself from your apprehensions. Preparation according to the original method (Larch / Larix decidua, Walnut / Juglans regia, Scleranthus / Scleranthus annuus, White Chestnut / Aesculus hippocastanum, Elm / Ulmus procera) at 1/240th.

  • 4 drops in 1dl of water 4x a day


P. Possetti

Place de la gare 7

3960 Sierre VS


Tel: ++ 41 77 455 54 39





Saturday on request

09:00 - 21:00

09:00 - 21:00

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Quantum Therapy concerns the detection of frequency fields in disharmony and re-information by electromagnetic frequencies of corrections. This does not concern in any case the detection and treatment of disease, reserved only for the medical profession. GDPR

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